My Story
We are unique in pediatrics in that all of our drug dosing is weight-based (mg/kg) and must be precise. I created Pedi QuikCalc in 2010 to make that process fast and accurate, first for myself, and then my partners who loved the early versions and encouraged me to make the app available for all practitioners caring for children. So in 2011 I released the first full version on the relatively new Apple App Store. The app quickly became very popular with a wide range of users from pediatricians to emergency and family physicians, medical students, nurses and pharmacists. I expected physician users, but was surprised by the wider practitioner responses and realized Pedi QuikCalc was a very useful tool for many. I continued expanding its features adding many other pediatric specific calculators not available anywhere else, useful calculators that didn't just give a number (like a BMI or blood pressure percentile) but an interpretation and best-practice recommendations to help practitioners provide the very best care for each child. Now, more than 11 years later, Pedi QuikCalc continues to receive great reviews from many publications like Contemporary Pediatrics, Pediatric Annals, iMedicalApps, PedsApps as well as family practice and nursing journals and websites. The app is currently available in 12 countries used by thousands of practitioners like you to care for well over a million children annually. I am very grateful that Pedi QuikCalc's success has allowed me to connect with users like you and to help care for these most special patients. wkb

Our Location
We are located at 3804 S. Church Street, Burlington, NC 27215.
For general inquiries, please contact by using the form on this page. We’d love to hear from you!
Our App
Pedi QuikCalc 5
What’s on your mind?
Here’s what users are saying:
The first application I place on the front screen of my new smartphone.
Andrew Schumann, MD
Section Editor, Practice Improvement
Contemporary Pediatrics Best Tech Supplement
September 2021
A must have app for every pediatrician! Nothing like it out there.
If I was only allowed to pick one app… this would be the one.
Has eliminated the need to use about 5 separate apps.